
I wish you all the best for 2025
Yet another year went past and this print is my way of sharing a thought that came to me during a printing class. We were all given the same feather and a liquid in the same shade of blue. Yet, despite these shared materials, each of us left a distinct and unique imprint on the paper. I noticed...
The complexity of DISCONNECTING during holidays
Last week I came back from my Summer-holidays and I was contacted by Laura Bannier journalist with the Luxembourg Wort to talk about how we can detach from work during our holiday period. It’s a complex topic and I do not believe that there is a one-fits-all recipe, even if there are some common...
Holiday Deconnexion
As you will read in my card, I decided to start my professional year by sharing with you an interest I took up in 2022. What led me to this was partly the very dry summer and partly a wise and generous friend who for the past years has opened the door to her botanical world and gently pushed me in...
Make your sleep an ally of your well-being
It happened again … the days are shorter, and we are in Wintertime. Why not see this as an opportunity to review our sleeping pattern and make sleep our ally. Since last night I am in my own “November Challenge”. Hence, I have started the below experiment and want to share it with you! November...
Are We Entering the Age of Corporate Social Justice ?
Since my initial studies in Copenhagen the topic of organisational justice has been one of my work topics. The recent months have again made me keen on reading some of the newer research on this topic, such as literature on the perception of organisational justice. One og my reading led me to...
Happy New Year – Schéi Feierdeeg – Joyeuses Fêtes
Some things just stay the same ... therefore I share with you my yearly photo and greetings from my end-of-the-year-walk. This walk took place in the Vosges. These mountains are only a couple of hours from Luxembourg, yet I have only rarely been in that area. As this year has given me the...
The emotional climate affects results
When people feel good, they think and work more efficiently, with positive results on creativity, customer relationships, staff retention and revenue. In his book Primal Leadership, Daniel Goleman argues that the number one trait of any good leader is her Emotional Intelligence and her ability to...
The paradox of choice
Professor of psychology Barry Schwartz author of the book: “The paradox of choice”, gave in his TED talk a short introduction to his book. He points out the paradox that we do not experience more freedom, the more choices we have (when the number of choices is large). Nor do we become happier. ...
Interview in the Luxemburger Wort
I have found it surprising and also encouraging to observe how quickly the adaptation to our new working conditions took place. The resilience shown by many people and organisations is helpful and positive. At my level, such as in coaching sessions, my job is to accompany and support initiatives...
Resilience start with our mind and how we manage our attention
Resilience start with our mind and how we manage our attention. As William James said: "What you attend to in this moment becomes your reality” such as checking social media, the stock markets, talking with friends, talking with collages (colleagues), attendant (attending) to our work.. Early...